Spice Road Spices
Spice Merchants

The Art of Flavour Sunday e-magazine


One Pot Seafood Ragu with Raisins, Peas and Coconut Cream

*Why you will like this recipe.

A wonderfully easy, single pot Italian seafood recipe that works with the selected and beautifully blended natural spices in your zip lock recipe pouch. Perfect

Your blended recipe spice pouch contains: Turmeric, Allspice, Cumin, Coriander, Sweet Paprika, Sumac, Parsley, Ginger, Cinnamon, Sea Salt, Black Pepper, a pinch of Chilli Flakes. If you prefer salt free, please advise when ordering.

When you order you will receive the zip lock natural spice pouch together with a printed hard copy of your recipe

The 60g pouch will give approx. 5 meal servings, each with 4 people (depending on serving size) which works out at $1.40 for a meal.

Please note we have a minimum order of $12.00 + shipping. Thank you.

You will need

600g Ling fillets or similar firm fish. Cut into 3-4cm pieces

Olive oil

1 x Large brown onion - finely diced

2 x Celery sticks - finely diced

1 x 270m/l Tin coconut cream

2 x Tablespoon lemon zest

1 x Cup frozen peas

1/2 x Cup flat leaf parsley, finely chopped

1/2 x Cup raisins important for texture

3 x Full teaspoons from the recipe Spice Pouch

Your Blended Spice Pouch contains: Cumin, Parsley, Coriander, Sweet Paprika, Cinnamon, Allspice, Turmeric, Ginger, Sea Salt, Black Pepper.


In a medium hot pan fry down the onions and the celery until nicely caramelised then add the raisins or currants, if using, and peas then add the 3 x teaspoons of herbs and spices from your recipe spice pouch - see note below and stir into the caramelised onions, celery and peas.

Next add the coconut cream and the fish pieces, stir over a medium to low heat and allow the fish to cook until firm - about 20 minutes, then add the lemon zest (important) and stir. During this time herbs and spices will be giving their wonderful flavour to your dish. Finally taste the sauce and if a little sweet add a touch of white wine vinegar.

To serve, sprinkle with the parsley and serve with your preferred rice.

Important note: When adding the herbs and spices it is important they don't burn - best to add a tablespoon or two of cold water when adding the spices from the pouch.


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