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The Art of Flavour Sunday e-magazine


Wine and Food Societies and their importance

Arthur Huxley - 03-05-2019

Make no mistake, the members of the Wine and Food Societies across Australia are, in culinary terms, very knowledgeable and very good at understanding food and the compatibility of wine with food.

Sure they may take a little longer examining their red wine than the rest of us but behind it all they really do understand and better, they understand that in the end it is all just food and wine. For them it is the simple enjoyment and understanding of these gifts and the people they share it with that is paramount.

And they certainly can be critical when reviewing food and wine. That is part of their strength and the reason Wine and Food Society opinions are held in such high regard by the professionals in the hospitality and food and wine industries.

This is not to say they are the keepers of Australian food and wine standards. That would be silly but their comments, approvals and criticisms do find there way back to hotels, restaurants and the food industry, especially wine makers. And this in turn benefits all who are passionate or who are becoming passionate about food and wine.

So all good, but beyond all this they are teaching and practising one important food and wine lesson. That is, as mentioned, enjoyment. Enjoyment of not only the food and wine but enjoyment of sharing this with other like minded folk. And surely, in the end, that is what great food and wine it is all about !

For Home Chefs thinking of joining there are around 36 individual Societies across Australia, each with a Food Master and Wine Master to offer welcome and support to new members. Importantly many of these Wine and Food Societies have their own wine cellars for members, giving a unique opportunity to share classic wines and vintages no longer available.

Speaking of wine, the Wine Masters at the various Wine and Food Societies are masters of presenting masked wines. Great fun and we can promise you there is no better way to develop your palate than in company with those around you, analysing a mystery wine in the course of a dinner. And be warned. The Wine Masters are very clever and devious with their selection of a masked wine !

To give an idea of how a typical W&FS works, check out the Ballarat website: ballaratwinefoodsociety.blogspot.com.au/ A brilliant presentation from some remarkable people and an explanation of what awaits you from all the Wine and Food Societies across Australia.

We appreciate that several of our subscribers are already Wine and Food Society members but for all who are happily building their wine and food knowledge it may be an idea to look at being part of a Wine and Food Society or similar group near you.

From our experience you will not be disappointed.

Check out Wine and Food Societies www.wineandfood.org.au for the nearest branch.